
  • Sierra Leone Ebola Orphan Appeal

    ACF National Team,December 16, 2015 Comment(0)
    On November 7th, 2015, the World Health Organization declared Sierra Leone free of Ebola. As Sierra Leone celebrates, another tragedy is unfolding, the plight of thousands of "Ebola Orphans" left behind.This Christmas season, I am bringing awareness of the plight of these orphans to the ACF community. -Dr. Joyce Olutade

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  • ACF Uganda Blog

    ACF National Team,November 07, 2015 Comment(0)
    Beginning in 2009, the African Christian Fellowship in Uganda has kept a blog that highlights what God has been doing through ACF in the Pearl of Africa. This blog will provide insight into the conditions that many people in Uganda are currently facing, as well as some of the programs that ACF is conducting to meet the needs of the people. Access the blog here:

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  • Reflections on a Medical Mission to Zimbabwe and Lesotho

    ACF National Team,November 02, 2015 Comment(0)

    Our ACF vision empowers us to engage and partner with various organizations to impact our generation and Africa. Recently, Members of ACF Atlanta Chapter in partnership with Arms of Care International had the privilege to impact two southern African countries during their medical mission trip.

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ACF USA Vision

ACF shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa.

Thank You!
