
  • ACFUSA Mission to Congo

    Congo MissionCongo MissionCongo Mission
    Reflecting on how this journey began in 1999 in Centra African Republic. It was me (Linus Ojukwu), Pastor Ron Fraker and Rich Musser who set out first. We went for a crusade but as we prayed for the people, each person literally had stomach ailments. Upon further inquiry we were told that dirty infected drinking water was the suspect.

    When we shared this story back in our home church, Victory Chapel, a couple, Reid and Laniell Davis donated $10k and asked us to go back and take care of the people. The rest is history. You too can be a part of this journey. Please contact us through

    We believe that God has prepared us for this moment. This time around God brought some local health professionals who desperately want to use the leftover of the medications and wound supplies to carry this outreach work further into the interiors. Some flew in and others drove in to see ACF in action. To God be the glory that He could use us.

    Please pray for the ongoing mission trip to Lesotho, and upcoming trips to Sierra Leone, Malawi, Uganda.


    Congo MissionCongo MissionCongo MissionCongo Mission


ACF USA Vision

ACF shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa.

Thank You!
