
ACF Missions: 
The vision of ACF USA states, ACF shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity. excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa. This vision which has guided activities and programs for the past decade has its core essence aptly crystallized in three critical words: Mobilize, Empower and Impact. In developing this vision ACF USA also developed four strategic core areas: Reconnecting with the Continent, Building Bridges; Building the ACF Family & Community; and Passing on the Legacy. These core areas are unified by Reconnecting with the Continent. While Building Bridges, Building the Family & Community and Passing on the Legacy are vehicles for mobilization and empowerment, Reconnecting with the Continent has become the primary area where the goal of impacting Africa is more directly realized. It is now the fulcrum of our ministry activities. The Great Commission (Mathew 28:18-20) is at the core of the ACF vision and mandate. The aim of our missions thrust is to mobilize resources and work in partnership with similarly minded organizations to win souls among Africa's unreached people groups, and to achieve transformative impact on the continent. We will accomplish this by tackling and investing in the following four focus areas: 1.Evangelistic outreach & cross-cultural missions. 2.Medical outreach and services 3.Education 4.Economic empowerment (sustainability strategy).

Focus Areas:

  • 1. Evangelistic outreach & cross-cultural missions.
  • 2. Medical outreach and services
  • 3. Education
  • 4. Economic empowerment (sustainability strategy).

