Core Areas

Vision Statement: 
African Christian Fellowship shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa.

Strategic Core Areas:  
The African Christian Fellowship is guided by four Core Strategic Principles. Each principle provides a framework for local, regional, national and international program implementation.

  • Reconnecting with the continent

    Initiate and maintain active and relevant
    connections with the continent of Africa
    (through support for missions, church planting, evangelistic outreaches, business and
    economic investments).

  • Building Bridges

    Establish viable and productive (cooperative and collaborative) relationships with other Christian organizations (African and other public groups) that share common believes, vision and objectives with the ACF.

  • Building the ACF Family and Community

    Build and preserve a stable, functional, and harmonious Christian community that effectively addresses the spiritual, physical, social and emotional needs, and recognizes the diversity of members.

  • Passing The Legacy

    Inculcate in our children and youth, an appreciation for our cultural and Christian values, thereby equipping them to effectively serve God in their generation.

ACF is an organization of African Christians in Diaspora, who through fellowship strive to create better societies both where we are residing and in the African continent.

ACF seeks to provide unity amongst African Christians of all denominations to sound the voice of the oppressed and persecuted in Africa, bring physical and spiritual relief and build healing bridges for Africans and other peoples around world.

Founded in 1977 as an outreach ministry to African Students, ACF-USA has since grown to over forty (40) chapters located in several cities across United States of America.

We are excited to see Lord molding together African Christians across ethnicity, countries of origin, language groups, and denominations into a harmonious team and for His glory.

Membership is open to all African Christians and to all Christians who have been called to minister to Africa and Africans.

The African Christian Fellowship (ACF) is dedicated to building partnerships across denominations, nations, cultures and ministries with the goal of advancing God's purpose for the world and nations of Africa.

In the midst of the many challenges facing contemporary Africa, God is raising a standard, and raising for himself men and women who are dedicated to the simple notion that as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the glory of the Lord shall rise over Africa.

ACF USA Vision

ACF shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa.

Thank You!
