With an average attendance of 600 – 700 conference participants from across the United States, Africa and around the world the ACF-USA Regional Conferences ( East, Midwest, South and West) are unique gatherings of African Christians, and friends of Africa, around the central mission of mobilizing and empowering Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa. This is a celebration of what is good about Africa, what is possible with Africa, and how to advance Africa. From humble beginnings as a ministry of African Christian Students in the Diaspora gathering to rely on each other for spiritual and material support, the impact and influence of ACF now spans the globe. You will hear about the great works being done through Missions in many countries of Africa and around the world. We will look back and recount the blessings of yester years, and also demonstrate an unwavering hope in what the Lord desires to do with and through ACFUSA in the future.
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